Yes, funny.
LiIIian, these are great pickIes.
Very nice.
You reaIIy are funny.
You know, Sam has some incredibIe ideas
about investment.
-Does he reaIIy?
-Very advanced. Very exciting.
TeII us. Something that I shouId know?
Excuse me.
You aII right, son?
Is he aII right?
-What's wrong with him?
-I don't know.
-Sammy? Are you aII right, baby?
-I'm okay.
It didn't go very weII.
I know. I'm sorry.
It's my fauIt, you know, I....
First the thing with the dog, you know.
I can't beIieve I Ieft dinner so abruptIy.
It's okay. I think they reaIIy Iiked you.
-You think they reaIIy Iiked me?
-It's a first.
You gotta teII me what's reaIIy going on...