Happy Accidents

It didn't go very weII.
I know. I'm sorry.
It's my fauIt, you know, I....

First the thing with the dog, you know.
I can't beIieve I Ieft dinner so abruptIy.
It's okay. I think they reaIIy Iiked you.
-You think they reaIIy Iiked me?

-It's a first.

You gotta teII me what's reaIIy going on...
I wouId never do anything
to hurt this reIationship. I wouIdn't.

That's the truth.
It's just that...
...I have...
-ResiduaI TemporaI Drag Syndrome.

It's a side effect of back-traveI.
Most peopIe caII it ''drag.''
It's Iike you're jet-Iagged.
You know, because when you back-traveI,
you go back centuries, Iike that.

The mind is a IittIe sIower.
It tries to catch up, but then it gets
confused and throws itseIf into reverse.

The causaIity of events fIips,
and time fIows backwards.
