So caII it!
I mean, if that's what you want to do, caII it!
That's what it's for, for doubters Iike you.
-You reaIIy want to know?
-I do want to know.
Then caII it! They'II teII you
everything you want to know.
My dad'II teII you
how he works in a pIastics factory...
...and my mom drives a schooI bus.
I was born in 1961, Dubuque.
I was a breech birth. Backwards?
It's a IittIe joke between back-traveIers.
They'II teII you that I was cIumsy in schooI.
I was aIways faIIing off the jungIe gym.
How I had an overactive imagination.
They'II teII you about the difficuIt years,
the bIack Iights, the acid trips.
The fights about money
and responsibiIities, proper hygiene!
How I ran away when I was 23...
...and they haven't heard from me since.
You see, my story...
...is a sad one.
You want to know why?
Because that's aII I couId afford.
I don't want to see you anymore.
Sit over here,
so that we're not facing each other.
I don't want to see you in my Iife anymore.
And the way that I see it,
it's freaks versus normaI guys...
...and you have confirmed yourseIf
as a member of the former.
-What's a freak?
-It's a weirdo!
You are scamming me somehow.
I don't know how...
...but I'm not sticking around to find out.
You caII me a weirdo?
I'm sorry it didn't work out, but my therapist
says that I have a fear of intimacy.
-I am freak.
-I think it's best if I work it out on my own.
Freak. I thought that was the dance
circa the 1970s. Weirdo, I know.