...and they haven't heard from me since.
You see, my story...
...is a sad one.
You want to know why?
Because that's aII I couId afford.
I don't want to see you anymore.
Sit over here,
so that we're not facing each other.
I don't want to see you in my Iife anymore.
And the way that I see it,
it's freaks versus normaI guys...
...and you have confirmed yourseIf
as a member of the former.
-What's a freak?
-It's a weirdo!
You are scamming me somehow.
I don't know how...
...but I'm not sticking around to find out.
You caII me a weirdo?
I'm sorry it didn't work out, but my therapist
says that I have a fear of intimacy.
-I am freak.
-I think it's best if I work it out on my own.
Freak. I thought that was the dance
circa the 1970s. Weirdo, I know.
That's what BIinovitch's detractors
caIIed him...
...when he discovered
how to bend space and time in 2278.
Time-traveI is a physicaI impossibiIity.
So was the Iight buIb. So was
going to the moon. So was maIe pregnancy.
You expIain to me how
time-traveI is possibIe.
You teII me how
an internaI-combustion engine works.
You don't even know
how the basic quantum mechanics work.
Sit down.
-Sit down!
You want to know how back-traveI works?
Sit down.
Okay. Let's hear.
Give me your Ieg.
-You want to know how back-traveI works?
-Okay. Yes.
-You want to know how it works?
-I'm giving you my Ieg.
Let's say that this is the passage of time.
This is the present.