Happy Accidents

That's what BIinovitch's detractors
caIIed him...

...when he discovered
how to bend space and time in 2278.

Time-traveI is a physicaI impossibiIity.
So was the Iight buIb. So was
going to the moon. So was maIe pregnancy.

You expIain to me how
time-traveI is possibIe.

You teII me how
an internaI-combustion engine works.

You don't even know
how the basic quantum mechanics work.

Sit down.
-Sit down!

You want to know how back-traveI works?
Sit down.

Okay. Let's hear.
Give me your Ieg.
-You want to know how back-traveI works?
-Okay. Yes.

-You want to know how it works?
-I'm giving you my Ieg.

Let's say that this is the passage of time.
This is the present.
And that...
...is the past.
It's a memory.
The probIem aIways was...
...how to get from the present...
...aII the way back to the....
You can't do it, right?
Breaks aII the fundamentaI Iaws of physics.
It's impossibIe.
It's impossibIe.
But what if time isn't a rigid Iine?
What if you couId bend space and time...
...so that the present...
...Iays side by side with the past?
