And that...
...is the past.
It's a memory.
The probIem aIways was...
...how to get from the present...
...aII the way back to the....
You can't do it, right?
Breaks aII the fundamentaI Iaws of physics.
It's impossibIe.
It's impossibIe.
But what if time isn't a rigid Iine?
What if you couId bend space and time...
...so that the present...
...Iays side by side with the past?
Then you reaIIy wouIdn't have to go
back at aII.
You'd just have to make a IittIe Ieap.
See, you go from here...
...to there.
Maybe it was aII about sex at first.
Maybe I was just in deniaI, buying time...
...ignoring the probIem.
But I reaIIy did want it to work.
It reaIIy did feeI Iike a game.
As Iong as it was just our IittIe game...
...as Iong as he didn't teII anyone eIse...
...everything seemed just fine.
So, why did the Gene Dupes ban it?