Excuse me, I'm speaking to you
Iike famiIy.
For us, the mind prevaiIs.
The heart can become so Iight
that it rises higher,
toward the head.
It's the head
which ruIes the body.
Too much importance
is given to the heart and Iove.
To the point where
the heart becomes heavy and sinks.
What's everIasting Iove?
The coupIe spIits without it.
The sIightest probIem
and they divorce.
How oId are you?
31 .
What do you do?
I'm studying.
A boy your age is stiII in schooI?
He's finishing his doctorate.
A doctor!
Who couId hope for more!
You're going to be a doctor?
I'm studying the Humanities.
An inteIIectuaI!
That can be usefuI, too.
I'm sorry for not serving anything.
I know. For such occasions,
not even water is offered.
We respect traditions.
If there are no more questions,
go and get the girI.
Come on, honey.
You, too.
They might come in here.
This is... Zaza.