An inteIIectuaI!
That can be usefuI, too.
I'm sorry for not serving anything.
I know. For such occasions,
not even water is offered.
We respect traditions.
If there are no more questions,
go and get the girI.
Come on, honey.
You, too.
They might come in here.
This is... Zaza.
Nice to meet you.
I toId you she was a knockout.
Yasha, Zaza's father.
We've aIready met.
Now it's your turn.
Where wouId you Iike to go?
You two can go out for a drink
or speak in the room.
They might have some questions.
Excuse me, dear Yasha.
How oId are you?
I'm 1 7.
Sounds good! And anyone can see
she's not pregnant.
If Zaza agrees, I'II take her.
OK, so...
where wouId you Iike to chat?