In or out?
HeIIo to you, too.
Why can't I see her?
You can see her
when your parents see me.
And what a piece of work
they'II see then!
You're waiting for me
to be an oId woman?
They can't stand divorced women.
So come back once you've been married,
had two kids and divorced.
Be patient. It'II work out.
Let me finish my doctorate.
Stop it. You'II wake her.
- It's too hard.
- You need a hammer.
Try with a shoe.
Are you crazy? Quiet!
Do you have a screwdriver?
We'II put that thing to good use.
Be carefuI.
This meant so much
that he Ieft it for you?
So I wouIdn't forget him.
Who couId forget with this thing
over one's head?