So come back once you've been married,
had two kids and divorced.
Be patient. It'II work out.
Let me finish my doctorate.
Stop it. You'II wake her.
- It's too hard.
- You need a hammer.
Try with a shoe.
Are you crazy? Quiet!
Do you have a screwdriver?
We'II put that thing to good use.
Be carefuI.
This meant so much
that he Ieft it for you?
So I wouIdn't forget him.
Who couId forget with this thing
over one's head?
Who said I forgot him?
Maybe because you're with me.
My dear Yasha, God bIess you!
You've brought so much good
around you.
You don't deserve to suffer.
It's true.
There's not a more honest man.
LiIi, caII him!
Maybe he's back.