You didn't come.
You're stiII hard.
Stop, I need a break.
- TeII me!
- What?
What's witchcraft?
You mean witchcraft or magic?
I know what magic is.
The distant infIuence
of one being onto another.
Run that by me again.
Witchcraft is the beIief
that two independent bodies...
two bodies without physicaI contact...
can infIuence one another.
Does that reaIIy exist?
Stand up.
Can't I hear you Iying down?
Are you interested or not?
I hear you fine Iike this.
Stand up.
Get on aII fours!
On your knees!
Enough! No standing,
no kneeIing, no more games.
Keep your theories to yourseIf.
OK, I just won't teII you.