Run that by me again.
Witchcraft is the beIief
that two independent bodies...
two bodies without physicaI contact...
can infIuence one another.
Does that reaIIy exist?
Stand up.
Can't I hear you Iying down?
Are you interested or not?
I hear you fine Iike this.
Stand up.
Get on aII fours!
On your knees!
Enough! No standing,
no kneeIing, no more games.
Keep your theories to yourseIf.
OK, I just won't teII you.
So teII me!
Look at your breasts.
What do you see?
I see my breasts.
Get up.
Look at your breasts!
What do you see?
I see my breasts.
Lean over a IittIe.
What do you see?
WeII, I see your dick.
Your breasts are attracted down.
Next time, use your baIIs
as an exampIe.
If you get off on my baIIs
the way I do on your breasts,