Head Over Heels

You're funny.

You really should have somebody take
a look at those knees.

You know, they've never done this before.
I'm gonna have to see a psychiatrist.

I mean, a leg doctor, because obviously
it's a leg problem.

At least let me buy you another latte.
Ah, no, thanks, Jim.

How do you know my name?
I don't remember introducing myself.
But you did, Jim. Remember?

I'm Amanda and that's Hamlet.
Jim, Amanda, Hamlet.

I think I'd remember a beautiful name like Amanda.
But you didn't.
Anyway, sorry.

I can't go out with you.
For coffee.

I didn't mean go out with you,
just go out with you for coffee.

Not even to replace this one,
Which I can't.

I got the runs. I mean, I gotta run.
Okay, gotta go.

Oh, God.
I got the runs?
So why didn't you have coffee with him?
Because that's what I would normally do.

I'd have coffee with him,
I'd move in...

and find myself alone on a beach in Waikiki...
while he's off with the slut that runs
the pearl-diving concession.

Oh, yeah, it happened.
- Is that the new C.K. girl?
- Uh-huh.

- She's cute.
- You know, I heard they gave her 11 million dollars.

She looks 14, though.

She's 12.
Question. If these guys are your dates, why do you
make them stand over there?

Have you ever spent an entire evening
with one of these guys?

It's all, "You're beautiful in that dress."
"You look beautiful in this light."

"Come marry me and be the queen of my country."
So Holly worked out the "You sit over there" system.
It works.

- You know, she turned down a full ride at Stanford.
- Yeah.

Really? Why'd you do that?
Sweetheart, look at me.

What do I need Stanford for?
