That doesn't matter.
Don't you give up on this card.
Because books can be solid gold.
The great ones have gotten us
through the nights for centuries.
Give a writer an hour to hook you.
If he can't, find someone else.
Think you can try that?
If I don't have anything else to do.
Fair enough. Don't be afraid.
A Tale of Two Cities ends
with a beheading, great stuff.
Lost Horizon, magic and places
unknown. Can't beat that.
Where'd you live
before you came here, Mr--? Ted?
Some other place
that wasn't as nice as this.
You l¡ved here long?
Yes, sir. Since my dad died.
-When was that sad day?
-When I was 5.
Six years, huh?
You must know everything happening
on this street.
Sure do. Because nothing happens
on this street.
-Six years.
-That's just a blink.
Someday you'll agree.
You know, Ben Jonson called time
the ''old bald cheater.''
Ben Jonson called time
the ''old bald cheater.''
I like that.
I think I do too. Who's Ben Jonson?
He's an English writer,
dead these many years.
Brilliant, but foolish about money.
And given to flatulence.
What's flatulence?
Yeah, kids always think
farts are funny.