You must know everything happening
on this street.
Sure do. Because nothing happens
on this street.
-Six years.
-That's just a blink.
Someday you'll agree.
You know, Ben Jonson called time
the ''old bald cheater.''
Ben Jonson called time
the ''old bald cheater.''
I like that.
I think I do too. Who's Ben Jonson?
He's an English writer,
dead these many years.
Brilliant, but foolish about money.
And given to flatulence.
What's flatulence?
Yeah, kids always think
farts are funny.
Might have a job for you.
Have to think about it first.
Yeah. If it works out,
you might get that bike.
How'd you know I wanted a bike?
All kids want bikes.
Hey, Mom. I took another look
at that bike.
It's a Phantom, 26-incher. Real swell.