Why shouIdn't I see
my friends, Danny?
- If you're screwing around...
- Wanker!
- I mean it.
- What's that?
- That's his phone number, I think.
- We're caIIin' him.
- No.
- Yes.
- You're drunk!
- He's an asshoIe!
- Yeah?
- I'm with the big boys now.
- I'm working with Mason.
- Right.
This is the big one, KeI. After
this I won't need to do no more.
That's what you said before, Danny.
You got two years.
PoIice! PoIice!
Coming up Bohemia Road.
- Turning into Church Street.
- My street!
I know, I know!
He's in Manton Street,
comin' our way.
Oh, no, he's turnin' Ieft into
our street. He's comin' towards ya.
He's comin' towards the bank.
He's gone. It's aII cIear.
Over and out.
They're robbing a bank!
They're robbing a bank!
- We don't know for sure.
- Yes, we do! We heard them!
- We saw the poIice car - it fits!
- What?
- AII of it!
- Where are you going?
- We'II get the reward.
- Francis, you're absoIuteIy pissed.
I'm totaIIy focused.
- Where is my jacket?!
- You're wearing it.
- AII right.
- Wait!
HoId on!