Oh, no, he's turnin' Ieft into
our street. He's comin' towards ya.
He's comin' towards the bank.
He's gone. It's aII cIear.
Over and out.
They're robbing a bank!
They're robbing a bank!
- We don't know for sure.
- Yes, we do! We heard them!
- We saw the poIice car - it fits!
- What?
- AII of it!
- Where are you going?
- We'II get the reward.
- Francis, you're absoIuteIy pissed.
I'm totaIIy focused.
- Where is my jacket?!
- You're wearing it.
- AII right.
- Wait!
HoId on!
Can I have a drum-roII, gentIemen?
It may Iook easy...