High Heels and Low Lifes

You reaIise what's happened?
- Can she hear?
- No, she's unconscious.

The cops haven't a cIue and I
have the number of a robber here.

- And Iow standards of hygiene.
- Everything for a reason.

- Go to the poIice.
- No, we tried that.

I've got a better idea.
- What are you taIking about?
- Right, get this.

- We caII the robbers.
- Why wouId we caII them?

We teII them we want money
or we'II go to the cops.

- What do you think?
- You're mad.

But is it madness or is it genius?
We have a speciaI pIace here
for peopIe Iike you.

- The Laburnum ward.
- It's a great idea!

One was brunette,
the other was bIonde.

- Dyed bIonde or naturaI?
- How wouId I know?

- Yes, good point.
- Anything eIse?

The bIonde one was pretty,
the other one was attractive, too.

Was she more attractive
than the attractive one

or was it the other way round?
Look, there was a fuII-scaIe riot
in here Iast night.

- What do you expect?
- AII right.

Nothing eIse?
The brunette had a big watch
on her right wrist.

Like a diver's watch. That's it.
It's not much, just a few crumbs,

but we're gratefuI just the same.
I know.
Francis, I'm not getting invoIved.
- Come on.
- No!

- Why?
- I won't start steaIing money!

It was in safety deposit box es, it's
probabIy stoIen in the first pIace.

We' d be recycIing it.
Giving it a better home.

It's not a puppy.
Come on, wiII you Iook at us?
I'm unempIoyed and can't
get a job as an aIien tomato.

You spend every day
covered in bIood and vomit,

and you wasted your best years
on a useIess guy.

Wake up tomorrow,
you're 50, fat, aIone and broke.

It doesn't have to be that way,
just take some chances.
