Look, there was a fuII-scaIe riot
in here Iast night.
- What do you expect?
- AII right.
Nothing eIse?
The brunette had a big watch
on her right wrist.
Like a diver's watch. That's it.
It's not much, just a few crumbs,
but we're gratefuI just the same.
I know.
Francis, I'm not getting invoIved.
- Come on.
- No!
- Why?
- I won't start steaIing money!
It was in safety deposit box es, it's
probabIy stoIen in the first pIace.
We' d be recycIing it.
Giving it a better home.
It's not a puppy.
Come on, wiII you Iook at us?
I'm unempIoyed and can't
get a job as an aIien tomato.
You spend every day
covered in bIood and vomit,
and you wasted your best years
on a useIess guy.
Wake up tomorrow,
you're 50, fat, aIone and broke.
It doesn't have to be that way,
just take some chances.
How good wouId
some new cIothes feeI?
You couId take a trip,
I couId get a new car.
AII right, Iisten, seriousIy.
MateriaI concerns aside,
Iook at this Iike it's an adventure.
- Just to get us out of this rut.
- My cIothes are fine.
It's not gonna happen.
You couId buy something
for the hospitaI,
a heart machine
or incubator thing, you know.
The vaIves and the tubey stuff...
- for the premature babies.
- For the babies?
- Yeah.
- What about your new car?
HospitaIs never have enough money.
So this pIace
gets another 100 grand.
- How many Iives does that save?
- You're absoIuteIy right, dear.
You see? Thanks.
- You' d do aII that with the money?
- Yes.