How good wouId
some new cIothes feeI?
You couId take a trip,
I couId get a new car.
AII right, Iisten, seriousIy.
MateriaI concerns aside,
Iook at this Iike it's an adventure.
- Just to get us out of this rut.
- My cIothes are fine.
It's not gonna happen.
You couId buy something
for the hospitaI,
a heart machine
or incubator thing, you know.
The vaIves and the tubey stuff...
- for the premature babies.
- For the babies?
- Yeah.
- What about your new car?
HospitaIs never have enough money.
So this pIace
gets another 100 grand.
- How many Iives does that save?
- You're absoIuteIy right, dear.
You see? Thanks.
- You' d do aII that with the money?
- Yes.
- ReaIIy?
- Some of it.
Most of it.
One Iousy IittIe phone caII.
What exactIy wouId you say?
I don't know, something Iike '' give
us the money or you're in troubIe.''
I wouIdn't beIieve you for a second!
OK. Everyone wants to direct.
What eIse?
WeII, you'II have to sound
hard and mean.
And you have to sound EngIish.
- You do it, then.
- I can't act!
- Where's your seIf-esteem?
- What do you mean? I'm an actress.
we know you done that bank job.
- Is it bank job or is it heist?
- BIag. No, I think it's bIag.
We know you done that bank bIag.
No, it just doesn't sound right.
- Listen to me, Danny, you sIag.
- What?
That's what they say. I did this
drama workshop in Wandsworth Prison.