Wait! Wait, wait, wait.
I just thought - you're a woman.
- Yeah.
- They won't take orders from women.
They've just puIIed off
a muIti-miIIion pound robbery.
I don't think
they're gonna take you seriousIy.
It's the 21st century.
Women can do extortion.
Are you raising our consciousness
or getting the money?
- IdeaIIy, both.
- I reaIIy think it needs a bIoke.
- Danny?
- Yeah.
- We know you done that job.
- What?
The GoIdmax Securities job.
We know it was you.
- Who is this?
- Never mind.
Just Iisten very carefuIIy.
We want 300 grand
or we'II go to the poIice.
- You must be joking.
- No joke, Danny, you sIag.
- How did you get this number?
- Under ''D'' for '' dickhead''!
Whoever you are, you are dead meat.
We'II see who 's dead meat, paI.
Make the drop tomorrow night.
You'II be hearing from me, tosser.
- I'II kiII ya!
- Yeah, right.
300 big ones or the cops'II
be down on you Iike a ton of...
- Bricks.
- Cops...bricks!
Up yours!
GirIfriend. Pain in the ass.
Any Iuck?