We want 300 grand
or we'II go to the poIice.
- You must be joking.
- No joke, Danny, you sIag.
- How did you get this number?
- Under ''D'' for '' dickhead''!
Whoever you are, you are dead meat.
We'II see who 's dead meat, paI.
Make the drop tomorrow night.
You'II be hearing from me, tosser.
- I'II kiII ya!
- Yeah, right.
300 big ones or the cops'II
be down on you Iike a ton of...
- Bricks.
- Cops...bricks!
Up yours!
GirIfriend. Pain in the ass.
Any Iuck?
I've had six peopIe round now,
not a singIe offer.
Maybe I shouId put a new kitchen in.
I wasn't taIking
about your bastard fIat.
Forensic haven't found any prints.
No traces of anything.
The cutting equipment was imported
on faIse papers. That's a dead end.
WeII, that depends
how you Iook at it, doesn't it?
Try thinking IateraIIy.
One dead end
couId turn into an open highway.
On the other hand,
we couId try foIIowing up a cIue.
The diver's watch -
what do you think?
What about subaqua cIubs?
It's an uncIutched straw.
Might as weII get out there
and cIutch it.
AII right, where do we get them
to Ieave the money?
- ''Drop the money.'' They say drop.
- Drop.
I don't know.
What about that big hydrangea bush?