You reaIise we've gotta take
this bastard out...now.
Dunno. I need to speak
to Major Mason.
I've spoken to Mason. He says
he doesn't want a discussion,
he wants a nice, cIean hit.
- Finished.
- AII right, aII right!
If that's what he wants,
we'II do it.
My bum's gone to sIeep.
He's Iate.
- WiII you keep stiII?
- I am dying for a pee.
- You'II have to wait.
- I can't.
- You shouId have gone before.
- God, I am bursting.
Go in your knickers, then.
AII right.
I can't do it, I'm too weII trained.
He's not coming, is he?
I haven't wet myseIf
since I was five.
Learning about Niagara FaIIs.
- Is that him?
- I don't know!
It's him. Come on...
Come on, come on... Yes!
- It can't be as easy as this.
- Wait!