I can't do it, I'm too weII trained.
He's not coming, is he?
I haven't wet myseIf
since I was five.
Learning about Niagara FaIIs.
- Is that him?
- I don't know!
It's him. Come on...
Come on, come on... Yes!
- It can't be as easy as this.
- Wait!
He might be watching.
Wait, wait. What's he doing?
Hey, don't Iook in the bin.
Don't Iook in the bin!
A bIoke Iike that aIways Iooks.
Oh, great.
Now you'II have to fight him for it.
There's someone eIse.
Haven't these peopIe
got homes to go to?
It's Mason!
What the heII are you up to?!
- Where are you going?
- We can't just Ieave him!