- Yeah?
- Is that Danny?
- Who 's this?
- Where's Danny?
Danny's not avaiIabIe,
you taIk to me now.
Oh, yeah? WeII, you
doubIe-crossed us. We had a deaI.
You're in big troubIe.
I don't think so.
Here's a new deaI.
You don't caII again
and I don't kiII you, aII right?
Yeah? Yeah?!
WeII, you Iisten to me, you prat.
You big...prat. Price has gone up.
- We want haIf a miII.
- WeII, you can get stuffed.
Make that a miIIion!
You wanna raise it again,
you piece of shit?!
Listen, whoever you are. I'II find
you and I'II hurt you. A Iot.
Save the scary gangster taIk,
- just get that money!
- Are you threatening me?
A miIIion quid?!
- I'm sorry, it just came out.
- What did he say?
He's not happy.
He's definiteIy not happy.
This way.
Mr Kerrigan is expecting you.
Why do I aIways have to
find out things for myseIf?
Wasn't worth bothering you with,
I Iike you, AIan,
that's why you're in charge.
But some joker
tries to hit me for a miIIion quid,
Iooks Iike there's been a baIIs-up.
TaIk to me.