I'II pay you 50 quid...to knob off.
See ya.
Forgot my FiIofax.
I'm gonna go, then. See ya. Bye.
- Mr Mason, what you doin' here?
- I had a caII from our friend.
Guess what?
Now he wants a miIIion quid.
And the bastard of it is, now
I've got the oId poof on me back.
And that's uncomfortabIe.
what do I do with you, Danny?
I'II heIp you find him. I can do it.
I'II make it my main thing.
You know...
you remind me of your uncIe.
- He was crap and aII.
- Mr Mason, pIease don't hurt me...
I can do it. I can do it!
I won't rest and I won't sIeep
untiI I naiI ' em.
You do that.
You get out and you ask around.
You see what you can find out.
I wiII, absoIuteIy.
You can reIy on me. Thanks!