- Mr Mason, what you doin' here?
- I had a caII from our friend.
Guess what?
Now he wants a miIIion quid.
And the bastard of it is, now
I've got the oId poof on me back.
And that's uncomfortabIe.
what do I do with you, Danny?
I'II heIp you find him. I can do it.
I'II make it my main thing.
You know...
you remind me of your uncIe.
- He was crap and aII.
- Mr Mason, pIease don't hurt me...
I can do it. I can do it!
I won't rest and I won't sIeep
untiI I naiI ' em.
You do that.
You get out and you ask around.
You see what you can find out.
I wiII, absoIuteIy.
You can reIy on me. Thanks!
On the other hand...
forget it.
Danny, can you hear me?
He's been shot. Severe chest wound.
He's got a puIse but it's thready.
I've done everything I can.
Just get here.
Danny Robinson.
Convictions for theft,
burgIary, accessory to robbery.
PIace was ransacked,
he was found shot in the chest.
Very sad.
What's it got to do with us?