Where to find him,
what he has for breakfast,
and how many pieces of paper he uses
to wipe his big fat Khyber Pass!
- I want a meeting.
- A meeting? No meeting.
No meeting, no deaI.
You get one more chance, sunshine,
then we go to the cops.
Bugger. It's not working.
We threaten him,
he teIIs us to piss off,
he wants a meeting,
we teII him to piss off.
It couId go on for months!
- We've gotta up the stakes.
- We don't have stakes to up. Do we?
- Whereabouts is it?
- ParIiament Square.
David, take me to ParIiament Square.
What the heII...?
I grant you it's embarrassing,
but it's a bIuff.
A bIuff?!
They've got my name on a 40-foot
poster in the middIe of town!
My bIoody name! It's an outrage!
- Oh, put the bIoody thing down!
- AII right.
- They'II die tomorrow.
- So you said.
But they're stiII
very much a-fucking-Iive!
Look, it's not just your head
on the bIock here, it's aII of us.
ExactIy. There's Danny -
he's probabIy bIabbin' right now.
- He won't taIk.
- He shouIdn't be abIe to taIk!
- He shouId be in the river!
- You be carefuI.
Without me the wheeIs wouId've
come off this operation years ago.