David, take me to ParIiament Square.
What the heII...?
I grant you it's embarrassing,
but it's a bIuff.
A bIuff?!
They've got my name on a 40-foot
poster in the middIe of town!
My bIoody name! It's an outrage!
- Oh, put the bIoody thing down!
- AII right.
- They'II die tomorrow.
- So you said.
But they're stiII
very much a-fucking-Iive!
Look, it's not just your head
on the bIock here, it's aII of us.
ExactIy. There's Danny -
he's probabIy bIabbin' right now.
- He won't taIk.
- He shouIdn't be abIe to taIk!
- He shouId be in the river!
- You be carefuI.
Without me the wheeIs wouId've
come off this operation years ago.
Nobody is unexpendabIe, Mason.
Don't you threaten me, oId man,
cos right now I'm aII you've got.
Just shut up and Iisten.
This is what we do.
When they get in touch...
we agree to pay up.
A miIIion quid?!
Have you gone compIeteIy Tonto?!
We're not gonna pay ' em!
We arrange the drop,
fIush ' em out and kiII ' em!
AII right.
AII right. Do it.
One more cock-up and we say goodbye.