SlNGER: l don't care
ifit rains or freezes
You both don't have
to sit back there.
Why doesn't one of you
come sit next to me?
Where are you boys from?
JA Y: New Jersey, but we're
on our way to Hollywood.
Oh, Hollywood, huh?
That's a long ways away.
Yeah. Thank God
you picked us up.
Well, do unto others.
That's what the Book says.
Wait a sec.
You follow the book, too?
l live my life by it.
NUN: Of course. So...
you live by the Book, too?
Well, you picked us up,
didn't you?
l gotta.
Well, that's good to hear.
But it's a lot easier to say
that you live by the Book...
than to actually do it.
Can you do it?
All right.
JA Y: Mmm, mmm.
[Nun screams]
-NUN: Whoa!
l can't believe this shit.
Five hours
and not a single ride.
Every day people
hitch to Hollywood...
to stop studios from
making films about 'em...
but when you and me try it...
it's like we're trapped
in a fuckin' cartoon.
[Horn honks]
[Ruff ruff ruff]
Zoinks, yo.
Now we can finally
solve the mystery...
of the hitchhiking ghouls.
Pull off their masks and
let's see who they really are.
l don't think they are masks.
DAPHNE: And l don't think...
that they're hitchhiking
girls, either.
Ghouls, you fuckin' moron,
not girls.
l wish they were
hitchhiking girls--