all their animals
except for one--an orangutan.
The most dangerous animal
known to man.
Sir, this was just delivered
to the station.
What is--what is it--
what is it?
A tape of the terrorists
who claim responsibility...
for the break-in.
Do you have a VCR?
l am the clit commander.
Oh, my God.
Plaschke, Willenholly.
Yeah, look, l need you to get
me on the national news pronto.
Why? Because we may
very well be dealing...
with the two most dangerous men
on the planet.
This is Jussy's monkey.
Justice died for you,
you little monkey fuck!
Do something, Tons of Fun.
Holy fuck.
ls that thing waving at us?
Holy shit, it understood us.
Maybe it's some kind
of super monkey.
You're my fuckin' bitch.
You get my back.
Don't be taking
this fuckin' chimp's side.
What if there's more
super monkeys up at that lab?
Maybe they're making
an army of 'em up there.
Holy shit!
Maybe it's a conspiracy,
like in the "X-Files"...
JA Y: This little monkey...
could be the fuckin'
damn dirty ape...
responsible for the fall
of the human race.
JA Y: ln this world gone mad,
we won't spank the monkey...
the monkey will spank us.
l'm not even supposed
to be here today.