You Know, those Kids
from ``Good Will Hunting.``
You mean that fucKing movie
with MorK from OrK in it?
Yeah, l wasn`t
a big fan, either...
but AfflecK was the bomb
in ``Phantoms.``
Word, bitch. ``Phantoms```
liKe a motherfucKer.
What`s up now?
{CracKs necK}
Ahem. All right.
So, here we go. Now, this
is the shoot-bacK section.
This is where the people
who read the news...
get to chime in
with their TWo cents.
For example,
we got a guy here...
with the chicK magnet
net handle ``Wompa One``...
opining on what he thinks
about ``Bluntman and Chronic. ``
He says, ``Bluntman and Chronic
and their stupid alter egos...
``Jay and Silent Bob only work
in small doses, if at all.
``They don`t deserve
their own movie. ``
-He`s got a point.
-FucK him.
What`s the next one say?
This is entitled ``FucK Them
Up Their Stupid Asses.``
```Bluntman and Chronic` is
the worst comic l ever read.
``Jay and Silent Bob
are stupid characters--
``a couple of stoners who spout
dumb-ass catch phrases...
``liKe a third-rate
Cheech and Chong...
``or Bill and Ted.
``FucK Jay and Silent Bob.
``FucK them
up their stupid asses.``
Who the fucK said that shit?
A guy who calls himself
``Magnolia Fan.``
All right, here,
check this one out.
``Jay and Silent Bob
are one-noteJokes...
``that only stoners laugh at.
``They`re fucKing clown shoes.``
``lf they were real, l`d beat
the shit out of them...
``for being so stupid.
``l, for one, will be
boycotting this movie.
``Who`s with me?``
Then there`s, liKe,
fifty more posts...
of people who are joining
Spartacus`s here boycott.
l`m gonna Kill all these fucKs.
Let it go, man. They`re
not talKing about you guys.
They`re talKing about
Bluntman and Chronic.
They said Jay and Silent Bob.
They used our real names.
lt doesn`t matter if there`s
a comic booK version of us...
and a real version...
because no one Knows
we`re real in real life.
All these people
reading that shit...
thinK the real
Jay and Silent Bob...
are a couple jerKoffs...
because of what all
these dicKheads are writing...
about the comic booK
Jay and Silent Bob.
Maybe one night
me and Lunch Box are out...
we`re macKin` some chicK
and shit, and she`s, liKe...
``Ooh, l wanna sucK
youse guys` dicKs off``...
and she`s, like,
``What`s your names?``
And l`m, liKe,
``Jay and Silent Bob.``
And she`s liKe, ``Oh,
l`ve read on the lnternet...
``that fucKin` youse guys...
``are a couple of little
fucKin` jerKoffs.``
And then she goes and sucKs two
other guys` dicKs off instead.