is a medical lab
where they perform...
gross experiments on animals.
JA Y: What kind of animals
are we talkin` about here?
Bears, rhinos, and shit?
No, more liKe dogs, cats,
rabbits, musKrats, beavers.
HecK, even monKeys.
lf we don`t speaK up for them,
who will?
Right, Jussy?
Right, Brent.
Uh, Brent, can l talK to you
over here for a second?
Yeah, sure.
Be honest, yo,
you`re down with this...
for the fine-ass pussy, right?
{Scoffs} l`m down with this
because l love animals, stupid.
Even sheep?
Of course.
Sheep are beautiful creatures.
They are beautiful, aren`t they?
Oh, God, yes.
So that means
you`d fucK a sheep, right?
What is your damage, little boy?
You got a sicK and twisted
world perspective.
No, you`re misunderstanding me,
Prince Valiant.
l mean,
if you were another sheep...
would you fucK a sheep
if you were another sheep?
Oh. Since you put it that way,
you bet your ass l would.
{lnhales} Thought so.
Yo, this motherfucKer
ain`t one of us!
He said he`d fucK a sheep!
Wait! No!
Aaah! Unhh!
{Guitar crunches musically}
Now who`s stupid,
you dirty sheep fucKer!
PJ HARVEY: l can`t believe
life`s so complex
What the fucK
are we gonna do now?
Shut up, l`m thinKing.
ls Hollywood near
where we`re going?
ls that where
you guys are from?
Yeah, right. Jersey represent.
A Jersey boy.
Well, what brings you
all the way out here?
We couldn`t hang around
the QuicK Stop no more...
`cause of
the restraining order...
which sucks ass
`cause it`s been like...
mine and Silent Bob`s home
since we were kids.
Silent Bob even
busted his cherry there.
You did?