l mean,
if you were another sheep...
would you fucK a sheep
if you were another sheep?
Oh. Since you put it that way,
you bet your ass l would.
{lnhales} Thought so.
Yo, this motherfucKer
ain`t one of us!
He said he`d fucK a sheep!
Wait! No!
Aaah! Unhh!
{Guitar crunches musically}
Now who`s stupid,
you dirty sheep fucKer!
PJ HARVEY: l can`t believe
life`s so complex
What the fucK
are we gonna do now?
Shut up, l`m thinKing.
ls Hollywood near
where we`re going?
ls that where
you guys are from?
Yeah, right. Jersey represent.
A Jersey boy.
Well, what brings you
all the way out here?
We couldn`t hang around
the QuicK Stop no more...
`cause of
the restraining order...
which sucks ass
`cause it`s been like...
mine and Silent Bob`s home
since we were kids.
Silent Bob even
busted his cherry there.
You did?
Oh, l bet she was a lucky girl.
LooK, fucK that fat fucK.
l`m trying
to tell a story here.
Oh. Sorry.
Anyway, we were talKing
to Brodie...
and he told us about the
``Bluntman and Chronic`` movie.
So we went
to see Holden McNeil...
and he showed us the lnternet.
And that`s where we found...
all these little
fucKin` jerKoffs...
talKin` shit about us.
So we decided
to go to Hollywood...
and stop the movie
from gettin` made.
And now we`re here.
l have no idea
what you just said.
l get that a lot.
So you liKe animals, huh?
That`s cool. Even snaKes?
Well, you can`t
exclude an animal...
just `cause they`re not cuddly.
Of course l liKe snaKes.
How `bout trouser snaKes?
Ooh. What`s a trouser snake?
{Deep laughter}
What the fucK
are you waiting for?
She went for the setup.
Reach in your pants
and pull your cocK out, bitch.
Girls liKe that Kind of shit.
{Deep laughter}
Right about here`s...
where the angel`s
supposed to show up...
and tell you not
to pull your dicK out...
but we bitch-slapped
that motherfucKer...