Move ass!
l can`t believe it.
Months of planning...
and it`s all blown
by a fucKing fart.
You can`t just
leave `em here liKe this.
That alarm`s gonna bring
the cops here any minute.
That`s always been the plan,
They taKe the heat
off of us long enough...
until we can get out of town.
-Ha ha.
Kaboom, you little stoner fucKs.
Let`s go! lt`s set!
-All right!
{Quiet grunting}
What the fucK you looKin` at?
There ain`t no snacKs here,
Now, we got what we came for.
Let`s get the fucK out of here.
Yeah, l Know it`s sad, man...
but what are we supposed
to do about it?
{Cacophony of animal noises}
Yo, just open the door!
Oh, shit.
{Sirens blaring}
Drop the bag! Now!
{Debris clattering}
{Choir singing}