Oh, shit.
{Sirens blaring}
Drop the bag! Now!
{Debris clattering}
{Choir singing}
{Horn buzzing}
{Police radio squawKing}
You mind if l leave that...
ls that...
My, oh, my, oh, my.
Who let the cats out, huh?
Wait. ls that...
MAN: Excuse me.
Who the hell are you?
Federal Wildlife Marshal.
This investigation`s now
under my jurisdiction.
Oh, really?
And why is that?
Because someone let
a whole mess of animals...
out of their cages, sir.
We believe that was just
a diversionary tactic...
used to call attention
away from the real heist...
over here
at the Diamond Exchange.
{ChucKles} Yeah, right.
That`s a believable scenario.
Sounds more liKe something
out of a bad movie.
OFFlCER: Sir...
the ProvasiK people
say they rounded up...
all their animals
except for one--an orangutan.
The most dangerous animal
Known to man.
Sir, this was just delivered
to the station.
What is--what is it--
what is it?