More coasters.
What did I tell you, Fiona?
It couldn't be better.
Just think Christina Aguliera
times three except one of them
is incredibly tan...
or else T.L.C.
with two white chicks...
or, um, Hole!
Wyatt, I get it without
the stupid analogies.
Put them in the studio tomorrow.
We'll talk later.
The feds are here with some foreigners.
I've got to give them the tour.
- You won't be disappointed.
- I'd better not be.
We can't afford
another Dujour disaster.
I'm sure you're wondering
why Agent Kelly and
the United States government...
would be so interested in what
appears to be a record company.
Well, I'm about
to show you why.
This... is what our operation
really does.
Blue is the new orange.
This is where it starts--
the fads, the fashions,
the product placement.
From this command center,
we control the most influential
demographic of the population.
We decide everything--
from what clothes are in style
to what slang is in vogue.
Feather tank tops,
matching pants. Kind of
a Buffy meets Chicken Run.
Feathers are
the new rhinestones.
The new word for cool
will be "jerkin'," as in,
"Dude, that's jerkin'."
That's dirty.
This is the epicenter
of all trends.
We turn your world into
one giant TV commercial.