Sometimes, for the sake of
her husband or chiIdren.
an ordinary housewife can
do the most unexpected things.
Ouch! No wonder you divorced.
It's not Iike I wanted to either!
Before I was even born,
mom was back with her foIks.
Then the whoIe famiIy moved here.
But mom's stiII waiting for romance.
UncIe Masayuki worked at a stock company.
It's a Iong story, but he got canned.
He's got a short fuse and goes mad sometimes
AsshoIe! Jerk!
Look at great grandpa, proof that
it pays to Iive an easy Iife.
I hit him! Pochi, Pochi!
Peak season and not even
a stray cat's come by.
We shouId never have done it!
What are you saying!
The sky's bIue.
The stars are pIentifuI, the air's so pure!
I can't do it. I'm Ieaving.
Hey, wait.
Don't say that.
After coming aII the way.
To this wonderfuI pIace.
We've worked hard expecting guests.
Someone better show up.
You'II pick up the first
handsome guy who comes.
How dare you, you short-ass ex-con!
Stop it!
Stop it!
I've had it!