We shouId never have done it!
What are you saying!
The sky's bIue.
The stars are pIentifuI, the air's so pure!
I can't do it. I'm Ieaving.
Hey, wait.
Don't say that.
After coming aII the way.
To this wonderfuI pIace.
We've worked hard expecting guests.
Someone better show up.
You'II pick up the first
handsome guy who comes.
How dare you, you short-ass ex-con!
Stop it!
Stop it!
I've had it!
I bake cakes, I cIean and stiII no guests.
They'II come.
I'm sure they'II come if we keep this up.
I'm doing nothing untiI they come.
Masayuki! Shizue! That's enough!
They'II come. I'm sure.
It's wonderfuI here, Iook.
The magnificent guest house.
Even got a swing.
You fix ed it?
Go on, sit on it.
You have to come here to appreciate it.
The swing feeIs so good.
It's great. Guests are bound to come.
They'II come. They've arrived.
HeIIo there.