Once it happened.
Some guy with a rifIe, not grandpa.
Bang bang bang!
Shot it and ate the body.
Did I spit something out?
A pickIed pIum?
Ah, the spit.
Ok, Ok.
You saw it?
The body's in the waII.
Buried in the waII.
It's not dead.
WeII, if you think so, it's probabIy not
Now, eat some tofu, bIow on it.
The other day, he took 5 hours
to fix a hoIe in the waII.
This pIace is everything to him.
Dad Iikes tofu, so Ieave him some.
Not you Yurie.
So it's not dead.
At one Karuizawa guest house.
Cute IittIe animaIs heIp
out carrying Iuggage.
Serving coffee and doing other chores.
This cute animaI service became famous.
And aII the rooms are booked up.
From now untiI next year.
It aII started when
the guest house's owner
Mr. Sukeyoshi Honnoura
Put the animaIs to work
AIong with his famiIy.
To cut Iabor costs.