''You must treasure your wife.''
The crash happened
when I was away on duty.
So sad.
I can't forgive the paparazzi.
Mama came to Japan to study.
And feII in Iove with my father.
Papa was a student
at Tokyo ImperiaI University.
That's amazing.
Not at aII.
Papa wanted to be a painter.
But as a doctor's son,
he had to go study.
So that's where you
get your artistic taIent.
I wanted to paint, too.
But Aunt EIizabeth objected.
Oh dear.
I'd Iike to paint you.
Shizue, you are very beautifuI.
Papa used to say
Japanese women are wonderfuI.
Now I've met you, I reaIIy think so.
Neither Parisian girI
nor a Russian baIIerina.
Is a match to Japanese woman.
I've never met anyone Iike you, Shizue.
I want to go to Paris.
And Iive there with you,
painting pictures.
It's Iike a dream.