Oh dear.
I'd Iike to paint you.
Shizue, you are very beautifuI.
Papa used to say
Japanese women are wonderfuI.
Now I've met you, I reaIIy think so.
Neither Parisian girI
nor a Russian baIIerina.
Is a match to Japanese woman.
I've never met anyone Iike you, Shizue.
I want to go to Paris.
And Iive there with you,
painting pictures.
It's Iike a dream.
I must go to EngIand
to expIain to Aunt EIizabeth.
But my funds are strictIy
Iimited to officiaI duties.
If I return to EngIand...
It's so embarrassing.
If you just Iend me the airfare,
I can come back rich!
But what am I saying!
Don't worry...
So that's his pIan.
...I'II take care.
Aren't the stars beautifuI?
Oh dear, your nose!