Is he dead?
What's wrong now?
An actor?
He's a member
of the British RoyaI famiIy.
And a piIot with the U.S. Navy.
No way.
The bastard! Look what he's hoIding!
Tissues from the diaI-a-date cIub
at the station!
You think a reaI piIot wouId carry this?
What's this?
Shochiku FiIm Studio RentaI Costume
He's not a foreigner?
No way
Not another one.
Hey, Iook, hey.
A waIIet.
See. I toId you it wasn't me.
The bastard!
He even stoIe our ashtray, too.
But why did he have to die here?
And after faIIing down
that guIIy so weII too, asshoIe!