its just a rumour.
Hard to say how much of it is true.
But the Funakis belong to
the Sanko syndicate, just like us.
They even share the building with us.
That way they can keep tabs...
on who's coming and going.
- They probably staked out your boss.
- Why do that?
Well, Mr Kakihara...
three years ago you yourself
cut Mr Suzuki of the Funaki family
out of a porn video sales racket.
Word has it that he hasn't forgotten.
So, you think Suzuki
is behind all this?
its only a rumour.
But behind your back
Mr Suzuki is bad-mouthing you.
He's spread
some pretty ridiculous stories.
Such as that
you had a crush on boss Anjo.
What the hell are you talking about?
Takayama, bring him here.
Bring who?
Suzuki, of course.
You got cold feet?
That's not the problem.
We don't have any proof.
Since when do you care about proof?
lf he lies
we'll give his corpse to Funaki.
Get on with it, Takayama.
Jijii, go buy some shrimps.