'Bye-bye eye.
Goody, goody.
Right ...
You're not doing too well, are you?
It was my fault.
- Of course it wasn't!
He was drunk. It was pure luck
he didn't run over anyone ...
I slept with Caroline.
- What?
I told him ... Well, he asked.
- You slept with Caroline?
You slept with her?
And then you went and told Jørgen?
That was bloody stupid, wasn't it?
What did you do that for?
Seriously, what's wrong with you?
Keep your pecker up, OK?
- I'm fine.
I'll never be a pilot, that's all.
Oskar says hello.
I have to go. I've got to be
at the airport in half an hour.
Do you need anything?
- No ... Yes, Toblerone.
And an eye.
'Bye, love.
What happened?