Just as I thought.
Where's the bankbook?
1 0,000 Schillings!
Tell me, have you lost your mind?
Where's my grey Autumn suit?
No idea.
Give that back.
I remember that talk show.
The guy advocated fines
for dog owners
whose dogs crap in the street.
The creep was defending the idea
that women are inferior to men.
If you'd let me get a word in...
Who rattled your cage!
Should cut your hands off.
Beating your own mother!
That frock was far too gaudy anyway.
At your age,
you should know what suits you.
Can't you stop, you cow?
Wasn't ruining that enough for you?
- I wish...
- What?
You dare n't say it?
Don't bother.
I know what you wish.
I could have had a heart attack
from the agitation.
If that's what you want,
go ahead!
Stop it, Mama,
you don't know what you're saying.
There's a real hole here.
Here, too.