La Stanza del figlio

You saw the fossiI, right?
Luciano opened the bag
and it was inside.

No way!
Those were sneakers
in a pIastic bag!

I didn't see sneakers!
Sneakers are much bigger!
HoId on...
You never mentioned a pIastic bag.

The fossiI was inside!
And they were Iaughing.

Maybe they were just joking.

No. When I wanted
to have a Iook, they run off.

So I wasn't reaIIy abIe to see it.
I didn't actuaIIy see it.
Happy now?

What do you think?
Let him have a word with his parents.
We'II go outside.
Can we use the baIcony?

- Go ahead.
- Thank you, come on.

Through there.
The pIastic bag,
the ammonite, the shoes...

I couIdn't make heads or taiIs of it.
- It seems cIear enough to me.
- It does?

- I'm reaIIy happy.
- So I am, of course.

Ever met Luciano's father?
I saw him at the schooI once.

- He was a bit aggressive.
- With you?

Oh, come on?
He was hard on FiIippo,
the boy who accused them...

WeII, he was right.
I suppose so...
But it was embarrassing.

FiIippo made it aII up.
Who knows why?

He probabIy doesn't Iike Andrea.
Yes, Andrea toId me that:
they don't get aIong.

I'm scared of becoming a maniac,
of raping a chiId
and ending up in prison.

When I asked you
if I disgusted you,

you said that I didn't.
I was gIad.

Then, I went to see
that fiIm you spoke about.

- It was good.
- I'm gIad

you went to see that fiIm.
That seems very positive.
