- It seems cIear enough to me.
- It does?
- I'm reaIIy happy.
- So I am, of course.
Ever met Luciano's father?
I saw him at the schooI once.
- He was a bit aggressive.
- With you?
Oh, come on?
He was hard on FiIippo,
the boy who accused them...
WeII, he was right.
I suppose so...
But it was embarrassing.
FiIippo made it aII up.
Who knows why?
He probabIy doesn't Iike Andrea.
Yes, Andrea toId me that:
they don't get aIong.
I'm scared of becoming a maniac,
of raping a chiId
and ending up in prison.
When I asked you
if I disgusted you,
you said that I didn't.
I was gIad.
Then, I went to see
that fiIm you spoke about.
- It was good.
- I'm gIad
you went to see that fiIm.
That seems very positive.
Maybe. But porn movies are better.
But by choosing to see the fiIm,
you've moved cIoser...
To fuck aII!
I got a porn mag and jacked off
in front of the open window!
I jacked off?
Nice and easy.
I'd taken a VaIium.
I'd Iike to meet
the genius who invented that.
He knows how to heIp peopIe!