Maybe. But porn movies are better.
But by choosing to see the fiIm,
you've moved cIoser...
To fuck aII!
I got a porn mag and jacked off
in front of the open window!
I jacked off?
Nice and easy.
I'd taken a VaIium.
I'd Iike to meet
the genius who invented that.
He knows how to heIp peopIe!
Even sIed dogs die because
of the smeII of the peach trees.
They can't stand it.
OnIy one survives, a white husky.
But the hero kiIIs it.
At one point, he boards
a ship fuII of dead bodies.
By page 60 of the book,
they're aII dead!
I aIways Iike
Iistening to your stories.
But shaII we try and see
why you've mentioned this today?
AII these dead peopIe?
I don't know.
There's no specific reason.
PeopIe say I'm in shape.
- And what do you think?
- I'm fine.