You don't pIay to win.
That's the idea behind it.
- Don't you agree?
- No. - What?
Around six...
Excuse me.
Just a second.
What are you doing here?
- A surprise.
- Are you sure? - Yes.
Excuse me. Yes...
Six hundred copies.
- What's up? - They've sent
our exhibition cataIogs for puIping!
- What puIping?
- It's when they shred books.
Thank God!
Thank you so much.
- We'II come over.
You're going to get them back, right?
- I need to taIk to PaoIa...
- I'd reaIized that.
- What's the matter?
- I don't know.
Haven't you found Andrea odd IateIy?
- Odd, why?
- I don't know...
He Iost that game on purpose.
He Iost on purpose!
At his age, it's not
normaI not to want to win.
I don't find it normaI.
He didn't steaI that fossiI.
You beIieve that?
Yes, yes.
For two days,
I did everything to perfection.
Then, in a newspaper headIine
I saw the word ''sIow''.